Come and cosplay at Cliffecon!

We will be hosting a free cosplay competition so feel free to take part or just watch. Who will you come as?

There will be two categories:

Under 14

14 and Over

Winner of each category gets:

Winners Trophy

Winners Certificate

4 free tickets to our next event

The runner up in each category gets:

Runners Up Certificate

2 free tickets to our next show

Information for Cosplayers

There are changing rooms and showers available at the OakLeaf venue and a number of secure lockers available (20p coin required). We also have exclusive access to several large squash courts which can be used for changing and storing bags.

Our Cosplay Guests

Jen Tate Cosplay

Cute Fox Events Harassment, Cosplay & Weapon Policy

To ensure that all attending Cute Fox Events leave with a wonderful experience, we would like to provide attendees with specific guidelines on harassment, cosplay and weapon regulations to keep everyone safe.
Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated at Cute Fox Events. This policy applies to all attendees, guests, volunteers, security, and staff.
Harassment is generally defined as unwanted behaviour that creates an intimidating, offensive, and/or hostile environment for the person being targeted. It can be physical or psychological. If someone tells you that your comments or behaviour are unwelcome, you need to stop immediately. If that person tells you to leave them alone, you need to cease contact. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think your behaviour was harassing; harassment is defined by the victim.
Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:
Making comments about a person’s appearance, sexual and/or vulgar statements, offensive jokes, or anything disparaging a person’s gender, race, religion, sexuality, identity, et cetera.
Bulling and discrimination.
Whistling, catcalling, and any kind of non-consensual flirting or sexual advances.
Following someone or impeding their path.
Attending a person’s panels solely to heckle them.
Photographing or recording someone without their permission.
Exposing oneself or miming sexual acts.
Bathroom policing (harassing someone because of the bathroom they feel most comfortable using).
Touching someone without their permission.
Repeated texting, phone calls, or emails, after being told to stop.
Any persistent action that creates a hostile environment for the person or persons being targeted – harassment is when a person is feeling harassed, period.
If a person is in cosplay, that does not give you consent to photograph or touch them without their permission. Remember that underneath the costume and make-up is a real person; they are not the character they are portraying and you do not have the right to treat them as you would the fictional character.
Excessively loud noises/music and disruptive behaviour is prohibited unless noted otherwise. Please refrain from screaming, blasting music, or using noisemakers such as vuvuzelas and air horns, especially in hallways.
Explicit Content
Costumes must cover any area usually hidden by a bathing suit (genitalia, buttocks, nipples unless otherwise specified). Flashing/mooning other people is considered harassment and will not be tolerated.
Any clothing, signs, props, or other materials containing explicit content must NOT be visible inside our convention space. Anyone selling work with explicit content must have it out of view and must view a photo ID before showing it to interested customers. Customers must then keep the purchase in a pocket, bag, or case that does not allow it to be seen by other attendees. Ahegao clothing is prohibited.
Please report any incidents of harassment as soon as possible. We take all reports very seriously, regardless of who is involved. You can report harassment even if you are not the directly involved, and no retaliation for filing a report will be tolerated.
Harassment by any individual (attendees, guests, volunteers, security, or staff) should be reported to a Cute Fox Crew Member. If you are not comfortable reporting to a crew member, you can report it to by sending an email to
Any violations of our harassment policy will result in immediate penalties dependent upon the severity of the action. Such penalties include:
Verbal warnings. (you will only be warned once.)
Confiscation of your pass and ejection from the event, with no refunds.
Banning from any and all future events put on by Cute Fox Events.
Contacting local police when appropriate.
  • No costumes that are too revealing. An amount of coverage of your average swimwear is fine. If you are wearing a delicate costume, we advise you to take the necessary precautions to ensure you don’t expose yourself.
  • If you are wearing a large costume or one with poor visibility, you must ensure you have one handler with you at all times as a guide.
  • Large, bulky, or fur-lined suits must ensure they are properly ventilated. 
  • Make sure there are no sharp edges on your costume.
  • No offensive cosplays (if you feel your cosplay may be offensive then please message us beforehand and we will deem it acceptable or not).
  • Absolutely no blackfacing.
Props & Weapons
NOT Permitted
  • Firearms or realistic replica firearms
  • Functional bows or crossbows
  • Darts
  • Slingshots
  • Pyrotechnics/explosives
  • Sharp arrows
  • Wooden/metal bats
  • Laser pointers
  • Props over 180cm (unless given prior approval)
  • Non-realistic weapons
  • Replica firearms with an orange tip. The tip must be visible from a distance.
  • Plastic/wood/foam weapons
Cute Fox Events staff will be checking these items. If they believe it to be unsafe, they may be confiscated.
If you are found using your prop inappropriately or in an unsafe manner, it may be confiscated and you may be asked to leave.
When travelling to the venue, ensure your props are well wrapped and secure.
If in any doubt please contact us and we will advise you.